Breve CV
Licenciado en Geografía en 1992 en la Universidad de Navarra, obtuvo el Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Carrera. Cinco años después se doctoró por la misma universidad con el estudio titulado “Medio Ambiente Urbano en el Área Metropolitana de Pamplona. Impactos y afecciones” (Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado y Premio de Investigación de la Caja Rural de Navarra (1997). Recientemente, ha recibido el premio «Movilidad Sostenible 2012», que concede la Asociación de Medios de Transporte Saludables.
Desde 1997 es profesor Adjunto del Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio de la Universidad de Navarra y tutor interino de la Licenciatura de Ciencias Ambientales en el Centro Asociado de la UNED en Pamplona. Fue Subdirector del Centro de Estudios Europeos (2003-08) y Vicedecano de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Navarra (2008-11).
Ha realizado estancias de investigación posdoctorales en la Faculty of the Built Environment de la University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) y en el Office of Population Research de la Princeton University (New Jersey, Estados Unidos).
Ha impartido docencia de posgrado en el Master de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU y en el de Turismo Relazionale Integrato e Pianificazione Territoriale (Università degli Studi di Palermo).
Short Bio
Juan José Pons graduated with honors from the University of Navarra with a Licentiate Degree in Geography and History in 1992. He received his PhD in Geography from the University of Navarra in 1997. His Doctoral dissertation versed on “Urban Environment in the Metropolitan Area of Pamplona”.
Between 1992 and 1997 he was Research Assistant of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning of the University of Navarra. During this time, he coordinated this position with that of Secretary of the European Studies Center of the University. In 1997 he was named Assistant Lecturer and in 1998 Adjunct Professor and Secretary of the Department of Geography.
He was Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) in 2000 and Visiting Researcher in the Office of Population Research at Princeton University (New Jersey, Estados Unidos) in 2011.
From the moment of his licentiate he has participated in numerous studies and research projects, both of a university nature as for companies and public administrations: Baleares: Telematic Megapark (1992); The social context of transportation in the Metropolitan Area of Pamplona (1996-97); Study of proposals for the recovery of the old district of Cartagena (1996-98); Traffic and accessibility in the II Ensanche of Pamplona (1997); Demographic study for the Territorial Plan of the Metropolitan Area of Bilbao (1997) and others.
In 2019 he has been appointed head of the Digital Humanities Lab at University of Navarra.
CV completo
Curriculum vitae completo en español.
Short CV
Short curriculum in english (CVA format, by FECYT).